Monday, July 30, 2007

Playground Hours: Corktown

Last week was fun, but many of us circled and circled, looking for a free meter near campus, only to eventually pay to park in a lot for the remaining 15 minutes. So this week, it's on to the Corktown playground, where free parking is plenty.

When: Wednesday, Aug. 1, 5:30
Where: the corner of Porter and Brooklyn, across the street from the original Eph McNally's.

See you there!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Playground Hours, Finally!

We finally have our act together enough to hold the next proper playground meet-up, even if we're not giving ample notice. This Wednesday, let's gather at the Wayne State playground we met at a few weeks ago (see previous post for directions). The equipment spans the right range of ages, and a gate keeps [most] the kiddies corralled, so we can chit-chat.

Wednesday, July 25, 5:30pm. We usually stick around for an hour or so.

See you then!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Apologies for our disappearing act. Between summer vacations and the heat, we've been out of town and feeling pretty lazy. We promise to resume playground hours--and regular posting of other fun summertime events--in two short weeks. Until then, a few of the more ambitious members of DKC will be heading over to the Wild Summer Nights concert series at the Detroit Zoo on Wednesday. It's a children's themed eve, starring James Coffey's Animal Groove. So pack a blanket and a picnic and go. It sounds fun.